Anzo's Mathematics

IMO 2016 Trainings

I was invited by Mr. Suhaimi Ramly, the head coach of the training camps to deliver geometry lectures in the IMO 2016 training camps in January, March (pre-APMO camp) and April.

IMO 2016 Camp 2: January 12-16, 2016

Lecture Delivered: Trigonometric Tricks in Solving Geometry Problems

The basics and fundamentals are almost the same as posted on my Trigonometry page. This lecture was given to the students who had not attended training camps in any of the previous years. The problems with solutions included in the handouts were:

Problem solving session conducted: Trigonometric Tricks in Solving Geometry Problems

The problem solving session was themed on the same as that given in my lecture of trigonometry, except that this was targetted to a more experience group of students. As such, the solution to the following difficult problem was demonstrated to the students:

IMO 2016 Camp 3: March 4-8, 2016

Lectures Delivered: Geometry Big Guns

During that camp, Justin Lim (IMO 2014 gold medallist, currently an undergraduate at MIT) and I collectively covered a few advanced level tricks in geometry. They are detailed below (together with the problems solvable using these theorems):

Harmonic Bundles

Poles and Polars + Brokard's theorem

Homothety, Monge's theorem and Monge d'Alembert's theorem

The following problem combines the idea of all theorems above:

Problem solving session conducted: Amazing properties of binomial coefficients

This was a project I did at the 2012 International Mathematics Tournament of Towns Summer Conference that I attended together with Justin. One theorem discussed during the session was the Wolstenholme's theorem, which could be useful in solving problems in Section 4 of the attached hyperlink, and the following:

IMO 2016 Camp 4: April 8-12, 2016

Lectures Delivered: Three geometry theorems (Simson's theorem, Casey's theorem, and Sawayama Thebault's theorem)

For students who want to excel in Olympiad geometry and be able to solve the hardest contest geometry problems comfortably, mastery of these theorems is essential.

Simson's theorem

Statement: Given a point $D$ and a triangle $ABC$, the feet of perpendiculars from $D$ to sides $BC, CA, AB$ are collinear iff $D$ lies on the circumcircle of triangle $ABC$.


Casey's theorem (a.k.a. generalized Ptolemy's theorem).

Statement: Let $\omega_1$, $\omega_2$, $\omega_3$ and $\omega_4$ be four non-intersecting and mutually exclusive circles, and let $t_{ij}$ be the length of common exterior bitangent (i.e. segment connecting $A_iA_j$ s.t. $A_i$ on $\omega_i$, $A_j$ on $\omega_j$ and $A_iA_j$ tangent to both circles externally. ) Then there exists a circle tangent internally to all four circles (in the order of $\omega_1$, $\omega_2$, $\omega_3$ and $\omega_4$) if and only if: $$t_{12}t_{34}+t_{23}t_{14}=t_{13}t_{24}.$$


Sawayama Thebault's theorem

Statement: Let $I$ be the incentre of $\triangle ABC$, $D$ a point on line $BC$. If a circle is tangent to the circumcircle of triagle $ABC$, to segment $DC$ at $E$ and segment $DA$ at $F$. Then $E,I,F$ are collinear.

Problem solving session conducted: Fair cake division

This is another project I did at the Summer Conference mentioned above, partnered with Justin. The project is to solve the following general problem: There are $m$ cakes, each with weight 1. We are to divide the cake into slices and distribute them to $n$ people such that everyone gets equal total weight of cake (that is, $\frac{m}{n}$). Determine the maximum $k$ such that each slice has weight at least $k$ (basically, maximize the minimum possible slice). Notice that in the official handout this quantity $k$ is denoted as $f(m,n)$.

Some auxillary results I discussed in the problem solving session were:

Remarkably, Justin and I submitted a solution to finding $f(31, 52)$ that was highly commended by the committee members (during the conference). Have fun trying before looking at the answer!

Acronyms Used